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Titanium Automotive Parts

TriTech Titanium Parts Automotive

Small- to Medium-Sized Titanium Part Manufacturing for the Automotive and Mobility Industry 

Because of its light weight and superior strength, titanium is useful for reducing reciprocating mass in high stress applications. In sport car racing, this translates to greater speed with lower energy consumption. A benefit for passenger vehicles is greater fuel economy without sacrificing performance. 

Titanium components such as rocker arms, cams, crank shafts, connecting rods, wheels, turbine impellers and valves are commonly available through aftermarket parts suppliers. Titanium connecting rods are standard on select OEM models. 

Three Processes to Match Your Unique Needs 

While most titanium part manufacturers have one, maybe two manufacturing processes, TriTech offers highly efficient and effective manufacturing by utilizing three different processes in-house:  

  • 3D Printing (Binder Jet): Best for tooling, low-volume capability, part complexity, ease-of-prototype, speed-to-Market and customization 
  • Investment Casting: Best for larger-part capability 
  • Metal Injection Molding: Best for part cost containment and ideal surface roughness 

There are a number of different elements to consider when determining the best process for manufacturing titanium net shape parts, which is why our experts work with your specifications to match the best production method to the part. This creates efficiencies, contains costs and reduces scrap.   

Automotive Titanium Part Manufacturing FAQs 

Q: How can a titanium MIM manufacturing company handle complex net shape parts?  

A: For the more complex net shape parts, TriTech uses detailed computer-modeled flow analysis to make sure the part injects completely to fill the die cavity with no porosity or variation in density throughout the part. This ensures uniformity of the injected titanium alloy.  

Q: At what point in the manufacturing process can a titanium metal injection molding company begin helping my business?  

A: Titanium net shape parts manufacturers, like TriTech, want to be involved early on in the design process. According to Bob Swenson, president of TriTech Titanium Parts, L.L.C., “Customers come to us with a solid model file. This is the stage where we collaborate with them to optimize the design for manufacturability by reworking sections, while at the same time giving customers all the features that they want and reducing scrap.”  

Q: What are some of the key things to look for in a titanium net shape parts manufacturer?   

A:  Look for a manufacturer that is interested in collaborating with customers to assist in the important discipline of optimizing part pre-production. This will improve the economics and quality capabilities of part production. In cases where the part design is already locked-in, make sure that the manufacturer is committed to a high level of customer service and to fulfilling production schedules on time.  

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